Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits - 2023

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

apple cider vinegar benefits

As of late, staying fit and healthy has become a top priority. People everywhere have been trying to boost their immunity through a myriad of vitamins, supplements, diets, exercise, and natural alternatives. For the longest time, apple cider vinegar has maintained a spot in the hearts and minds of those who are fans of alternative medicine. There are numerous claims about Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits to the health of humans and even animals. The question is whether there are enough facts to back up those claims.

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Basics

In essence, apple cider is merely fermented apple juice. ACV comes from mixing the juice of crushed apples with some sugar and yeast. The concoction is then left to ferment for four to six months before it can be used in marinades, salad dressings, chutneys, vinaigrettes, preservatives, etc.

For as long as many people can remember, apple cider vinegar has had quite a history in home remedy usage. ACV has been used in a variety of ways, like treating sore throats, for example. Although there is not a lot of science to back up these claims, people still continue to attest to its many healing wonders.

Where to Find Apple Cider Vinegar

Often sold in clear bottles, finding apple cider vinegar is not at all difficult. Lots of grocery stores, health food stores, online retailers, and apple orchards sell apple cider vinegar. People who want to ensure that their apple cider vinegar is free from chemicals make their own.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosage

Before you start using apple cider vinegar, there are a few key considerations when it comes to its dosage. Primarily, these are the drinker’s age, health, and underlying conditions. Diluting apple cider vinegar prior to consuming it is important.

The general practice is to dilute 1-2 tablespoons (5- 30 ml) of apple cider vinegar in 240 ml of water. It is recommended that you take this mixture before any meal. Direct application onto the skin is also advised against because it can cause skin irritation and damage.

It is always best to consult your doctor, pharmacist, or healthcare practitioner prior to consuming anything for medicinal purposes. This is for obvious safety reasons and can help prevent adverse effects.

Regularly consumed for its range of Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits, manufacturers often include dosing instructions on its label. Make sure that you thoroughly read the instructions and diligently follow through with any product specifications.

The Many Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Granted that there is still some debate on the actual efficacy of apple cider vinegar as a treatment for malladies, the little evidence that is seen hasn’t discouraged people from trying this natural treatment out. Here are the most common uses of apple cider vinegar.

Weight Loss

Perhaps the most popular reason people consume apple cider is for its weight loss benefits. Surprisingly, studies have shown how the consumption of vinegar has been effective in helping people lose weight.

Recent human studies have shown how vinegar has been effective in increasing the feeling of fullness. This can mean a smaller calorie intake, resulting in weight loss. A study conducted on 175 individuals even showed how daily consumption of ACV has resulted in reduced belly fat as well as a reduction in weight.

Promotes Skin Health

Topical use of ACV is favored by beauty fans everywhere for a myriad of skin conditions. Known to remedy dry skin and eczema, ACV can be applied externally. Since the skin is naturally acidic, the addition of cider vinegar can help in rebalancing the skin’s natural pH levels. Additionally, the use of apple cider vinegar has been known to improve the protective layer of the skin.

In theory the antibacterial properties in ACV could help prevent infections that are commonly associated with various skin conditions, including eczema. Before attempting to use diluted apple cider vinegar as a face wash or toner, consult with your dermatologist first. This is particularly important when the skin is damaged since applying the vinegar solution can cause burns.

Can Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

To date, one of the most common applications for apple cider vinegar is for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, characterized by high blood sugar levels caused by the body’s inability to produce insulin.

People without diabetes can still benefit from consuming ACV. Regular consumption has been known to keep blood sugar levels in the normal range. Individuals who are currently taking blood sugar medications are advised to seek guidance from their healthcare provider before taking any kind of vinegar.

Effective Disinfectant

These days, disinfecting regularly has become the norm. Since many people have been traditionally using vinegar to kill pathogens and bacteria, it is safe to say that it is an effective means to disinfect and clean surfaces. ACV can even be used to treat lice, warts, nail fungus, and ear infections.

Natural Food Preservative

Studies have shown that the growth of bacteria such as E.coli is inhibited by vinegar. Therefore, apple cider vinegar could help in providing natural food preservation benefits.

Lowers Cholesterol

Studies conducted back in 2012 and 2018 both indicated that the consumption of apple cider vinegar could drastically reduce LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol on the  body. Research further showed that it did not even take long to see the effects apple cider had on increased cholesterol levels.

Although additional research is needed in order to see its effects on a larger study, it is fair to say that its consumption is a good addition to the diet of those who are looking to keep their cholesterol levels at bay.

Dandruff Treatment

In the same way that Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits skin issues, ACV is also said to be an effective means to curb dandruff. Although evidence of this is still a bit anecdotal, it is a known fact that ACV is useful in balancing pH levels. The same benefit can be taken advantage of to restore the health of the dry scalp.

Bottom Line

Numerous websites and natural healthcare advocates have long been claiming that ACV has a wide range of benefits to our health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, there is little research to fully support the majority of health claims and benefits this product supposedly has.

Although consuming apple cider vinegar is safe since it is a natural product, its intake must still be done with a healthcare practitioner’s guidance since excessive amounts can have some minor side effects. Until there is enough proof to back up the claims, it is best to err on the side of caution.